India, the largest democracy in the world, with its consistent growth/performance and abundant skilled manpower provides enormous opportunities for investment, both domestic and foreign. India is the fourth largest economy in terms of Purchase Power Parity and the tenth most industrialized country in the world. Major initiatives such as industrial decontrol, simplification of investment procedures, enactment of competition law, liberalization of trade policy, full commitment to safeguarding intellectual property rights, financial sector reforms, liberalization of exchange regulations etc., have been taken, which provide a liberal, attractive, and investor friendly investment climate.
The Government of India reviews the FDI policy on an ongoing basis. Important Policy initiatives taken in the recent past include raising FDI equity limit in domestic airlines sector to 49% and placing it under the automatic route; allowing FDI up to 100% under the automatic route for the development of townships, housing, builtup infrastructure and construction development projects; procedural simplification for approval of proposals for new joint ventures, technology collaborations with existing joint ventures, technology transfer/trade marks agreement in India and transfer of shares from existing Indian companies.
Source: IBEF